#TMI Comedy Series

Created & Written by Ashlei Shyne


Logline: Aaliyah, an out & proud, bisexual woman with an #oversharing problem struggles to find love, acceptance and career success.


After years of studying and performing comedy in Los Angeles, I realized there was a lack of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ representation within the comedy community and mainstream media. I decided to use my unique perspective and comedy background to fight homophobia, racism, bi-eraser & bi-phobia while giving a platform to the many diverse colors of our LGBTQ+ rainbow. #TMI is a women driven story that follows Aaliyah (an out and proud, Black bisexual woman who owns her identity). This series showcases the beauty of Black & Brown love, queer BIPOC’s, body positivity, people with disabilities, and our transgender & non-binary siblings. I believe the audience will be able to relate to the stories that are being told and the people of color who are often underrepresented will feel seen. Lastly, I hope that #TMI will shine a positive light on bisexuality, and reclaim the smeared images that mainstream media has chosen to perpetuate over the years.

-Ashlei Shyne



Fox MacLachlan, the artist behind the gorgeous artwork featured in #TMI.


Fox is a Los Angeles based artist and actress. Her art is deeply autobiographical - as she pulls from her unstable childhood, desires, fears and deepest wishes. With bright colors, the female figure, mixed media, graphic elements and often words, she expresses these stories as whimsical characters caught in moments of reflection. Her passion lies in diving deep into diverse representation of all women, and female empowerment: the struggles, the narratives, the expectations, the dreams and the longing of women to be free - in every sense. At times she doesn't feel she has control over what inspires her, but when it arrives - she listens and paints.

She has exhibited  in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Barbara and Seattle. Fox’s art has been described as having duende [spirit, blood, passion, depth - having a visceral element] and quoted as " ... Warhol gone erotic." - Marin Independent Journal.


“I love being an artist. I get to be raw, naked, vulnerable and bold... and then I get to share it with the world. This scares me and exhilarates me. My desire is to voice my truest-self and to hopefully be a voice for those who don’t have one.”
